3 Benefits of BergaMonte®: What the Research Says

BergaMonte® is a trademarked form of citrus bergamot extract. It has the potential to offer greater health benefits compared to other citrus bergamot supplements due to its high flavonoid content. …

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Written by: Jack Cincotta, MS
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Medical Review by: Daniel Powers, MS
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BergaMonte® is a trademarked form of citrus bergamot extract. It has the potential to offer greater health benefits compared to other citrus bergamot supplements due to its high flavonoid content.

In this article, we’ll explain the details of the BergaMonte® formulation and the research-backed health benefits. 


What is BergaMonte®?

BergaMonte® is a patented form of Citrus bergamot (Citrus bergamia), which itself is a citrus plant thought to be a hybrid of the lemon and bitter orange. 

Clinical research shows that BergaMonte® has many potential health benefits, including lowering cholesterol levels, lowered blood sugar, enhanced liver health, and even better cognitive function.

These benefits are mainly due to the flavonoids. Importantly, BergaMonte® is formulated to contain at least 38% of polyphenolic flavonoids, which is higher than other supplements.

The specific flavonoids in BergaMonte® are:

  • Naringin
  • Neohesperidin
  • Neoeriocitrin
  • Melitidin
  • Brutieridin

All of these flavonoids have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which also have a carry-over effect into other health benefits too. Specifically, these flavonoids can act on various enzymes, hormones, and bodily systems involved in metabolism, cholesterol regulation, blood sugar control, weight management, and cardiovascular health, among others.

Medicinal Actions of Flavonoids in BergaMonte®:

There are a variety of medicinal actions of the flavonoids in BergaMonte®, which may provide benefits for cholesterol regulation, heart health, blood sugar levels, and other areas.

For example, naringin and neoeriocitrin have been shown to offer antioxidant effects and inhibit low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol oxidation, which left unchecked could lead to blood vessel constriction and other cardiovascular issues. 

Naringin, melitidin, bruteiridin, and neohesperidin are also structurally similar to statins and may be able to inhibit the enzyme, HMG-CoA reductase. This may lead to a decrease in cholesterol production.

Also, the flavonoids contained in BergaMonte® may be able to improve insulin function and balance blood sugar levels.

Additionally, naringin and several other bergamot flavonoids may be able to enhance an enzyme called AMPK, which in turn offers metabolic benefits such as enhanced fat and sugar metabolism. This may lead to lower triglycerides, LDL, glucose, and total cholesterol.

Lastly, bergamot flavonoids seem to be able to disrupt an enzyme called pCEH, which may help lower sterols, fatty acids, and other lipids.

Overall, the main flavonoids in BergaMonte® seem to have a number of pivotal bioactive effects in the body. In particular, they have a unique ability to act on various enzymes, hormones, and other bodily systems, particularly related to cholesterol, lipids, blood sugar, metabolism, and heart health.


BergaMonte® Clinical Research:

There are a variety of clinical trials on BergaMonte® which show benefits for cholesterol, metabolism, blood sugar, and even brain function.

1. Cholesterol

In a clinical trial on 237 patients with hyperlipemia (elevated blood lipids), either with or without hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar), BergaMonte® supplementation for 30 days led to decreased total cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides, as well as increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. 

In a clinical trial on patients with high LDL and triglycerides, 1,000mg of BergaMonte® alongside rosuvastatin (a statin drug for lowering cholesterol) decreased LDL, total cholesterol, and the ratio of LDL:HDL. These effects were significantly greater than rosuvastatin alone. Additionally, BergaMonte® improved various markers related to vascular health.

Click here to read more about the effects of Citrus Bergamont on cholesterol.

2. Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

A clinical study on 107 patients with metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) revealed that BergaMonte ® supplementation (650mg 2x/day) notably decreased LDL, blood sugar, and triglycerides, and enhanced HDL levels. Additionally, BergaMonte® treatment improved several biomarkers in NAFLD.

In a clinical trial on metabolic syndrome patients, BergaMonte® was given to patients at 650mg or 1,300mg. Compared to placebo, those who were given BergaMonte® over 90 days experienced significantly lower glucose, cholesterol, and triglycerides, as well as better insulin function. Furthermore, BergaMonte® provided weight loss effects and improvements in hormones that balance hunger, such as ghrelin and leptin. All effects were dose-dependent, meaning that the greatest effects occurred in the higher-dose group.

Click here to read more about the effects of Citrus Bergamot for weight loss.

3. Mental Health

Lastly, in a clinical study on individuals with schizophrenia, BergaMonte® (1,000mg/day for 8 weeks) was shown to improve cognitive functions and mental processing. This was thought to stem from the anti-inflammatory effects of BergaMonte®. 

Click here to read more the anti-inflammatory effects of Citrus Bergamot.


Based on the clinical studies, 500 to 1,500mg per day of BergaMonte® seems most effective. Some studies show dose-dependent effects, in which amounts towards the higher end of the range may be more beneficial.

But this likely depends on one’s exact condition, level of severity, and other factors. As long as one supplements somewhere in the listed range, there is a high likelihood of benefits. 

Click here for a full overview of Citrus Bergamot dosing.


Why is BergaMonte® Better Than Other Citrus Bergamot Supplements?

BergaMonte® is likely better than most other citrus bergamot supplements because it is specifically formulated to contain high concentrations of the most important bioactive compounds.

Generic citrus bergamot extracts may not list the exact flavonoids and/or may have unspecified doses. Whereas the makers of BergaMonte® specifically state that each serving has a minimum of 38% flavonoids, which always includes:

  • Naringin
  • Neohesperidin
  • Neoeriocitrin
  • Melitidin
  • Brutieridin

Moreover, BergaMonte® has specific clinical research behind it which helps to easily see the effectiveness for specific conditions, especially cholesterol health.

This is not to say that other citrus bergamot supplements won’t ever be helpful. However, there are many out there that may not contain nearly enough of the bioactive components, which likely leads to fewer (if any) noticeable benefits. 

You can more here on the best citrus bergamot supplements.


BergaMonte® is a well-researched form of citrus bergamot, which contains high amounts of bioactive flavonoids. Evidence shows that BergaMonte® may have benefits for cholesterol, blood sugar, inflammation, and conditions associated with these factors, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and NAFLD.

In order to reap the benefits of BergaMonte®, one should look for a supplement that contains 500 to 1,500mg of total extract. 

As always, consult your doctor before taking any supplement, especially if you have medical conditions or are taking any prescription medications.

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About Jack Cincotta, MS

Jack has a Master of Science degree in Psychology and is also an AADP® Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and AFPA® Certified Holistic Health Coach. His passion is to help people develop optimal levels of health, particularly mental health.