Our Editorial Process

At the Botanical Institute, we’re committed to providing you with trustworthy, easy-to-understand, and accurate information about herbal medicine.

To ensure that every piece of content meets our criteria, we’ve developed an internal editorial process.

Our team creates and edits every piece of content based on the 3 pillars of our editorial process.

Our pillars include; (1) working with topic experts; (2) publishing accurate, easy-to-understand information; and (3) continually monitoring and updating content. These pillars help to ensure that you get accurate, evidence-based information when you need it.

1. Herbalists, Not Journalists

We exclusively work with topic experts in the field of herbal medicine. You won’t find us publishing content that’s written by journalists without a background in botanical medicine.

Instead, we work with writers who have specialized training in herbal medicine and that have deep knowledge on the topic.

Here’s how we ensure we meet these standards:

  • We carefully select our writers. Our editorial team carefully selects expert writers. We make sure they have in-depth knowledge of the herbal topics that they write about. We train them on best practices when it comes to research and provide regular feedback.
  • Our health information is reviewed for medical accuracy by medical experts. We work with health experts to review each piece of content before we publish it. This helps to ensure information accuracy and safety.
  • All content is triple-checked prior to publishing. We triple-check each piece of content before publishing.

2. We Prioritize Accuracy

We want to make sure that the information we publish is accessible and understandable to our readers. We take great pains to untangle complex clinical research and translate it into plain English with simple takeaways.

Our tone of voice is simple, informative, and actionable.

Our articles are research-based. We include research links every time we cite a study so that you can check it out for yourself.

3. Continual Monitoring & Updating

Health information is constantly changing. When new research appears, we go back and update our articles to reflect new knowledge.

At the Botanical Institute, we continually monitor and update our content to make sure we’re sharing the most up-to-date and accurate information possible.

To Your Health

Our editorial process ensures that whatever your read on www.botanicalinstitute.org is truthful, trusted, and accurate.

Our goal is to empower you on your herbal health journey!

If you have any questions or comments about the accuracy or usability of our content, or feel an article is out of date, you can easily let us know by visiting this page.